Who We Are
JEXCA NA was launched in 1988 as the USA Chapter of Jhenidah Cadet Cadets Association (JEXCA) headquartered in Bangladesh. JEXCA NA is a not-for-profit, non-political, volunteer organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under Section 501 (c)(3). The organization is comprised of alumni of the Jhenidah Cadet College who reside in the USA. The college is one of the prime higher secondary boarding institutions of Bangladesh.
Dear JEXCAites,
Greetings, hope this email finds you in good health.
Friends, after careful consideration and in light of the ongoing COVID-19 development, we are postponing 2020 JEXCA NA annual reunion scheduled for August 14-16, 2020. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by our decision. We know this is a very challenging time for everyone, and appreciate your understanding and support.
However we remain excited to host next year’s reunion in the same city i.e. in San Francisco.
We look forward seeing you next year, until then stay safe and healthy!
Masud Rob Chowdhury
COVID-19 JEXCA NA Fund Raising
প্রিয় জেক্সকাইট ভাইয়েরা,
আসসালামু আলাইকুম,
পুরো বিশ্বজুড়ে করোনার ভয়াবহতা আমাদের সবাইকে ভাবিয়ে তুলেছে। আলহামদুলিল্লাহ এখন পর্যন্ত সকল জেক্সকাইটস ও তাদের পরিবার নিরাপদে আছেন। আমাদের চিন্তা ভাবনা এখানেই শেষ হয়ে যেতে পারতো কিন্তু আমরা এমন একটা সমাজের একদল সদস্য যাদের কে শুধু নিজের জন্য ভাবলে হয়না।বিভিন্ন সময়ে বিপদে আপদে দেশের মানুষের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে জেক্সকা যে মহৎ পথে এগিয়ে চলেছে তার দাবিদার আমরা সবাই।
এই মহামারী তে যাদের অবস্থা অতি শোচনীয় হবে তারা হলেন দিনমজুর, রিকশাচালক ও সমাজের একদল মানুষ যাদের একদিন কাজে না গেলে খাবার জোটে না। আল্লাহ আমাদেরকে যথেষ্ট ভালো রেখেছেন(আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ) বিধায় আমরা আজ এই মানুষগুলোর জন্য চিন্তা ভাবনা করি। এই পিছিয়ে পড়া মানুষগুলোকে একটু সাহায্য করার লক্ষ্যে জেক্সকার পক্ষ থেকে একটা উদ্যোগ নেওয়া হয়েছে ।
আমরা ১০ কেজি চাল, ৫ কেজি আলু, ২ কেজি ডাল, কিছু তেল ও পেয়াজ এর একটাপ্যাকেজ দেওয়ার পরিকল্পনা করেছি যার বাজারমূল্য আনুমানিক ৮০০/- টাকা। এই একটা প্যাকেজ একজন মানুষের হাতে দিতে পারলে তার পরিবারের ঘরে বসে ৮-১০ দিন পার হয়ে যাবে।
আমাদের এই কার্যক্রম ঢাকা ছাড়াও খুলনা, চট্টগ্রাম, রাজশাহী ও অন্যান্য স্হানে পরিচালিত হবে (যদি এসকল স্হানে কোন জেক্সকাইট দায়িত্ব নেন এবং জেক্সকার ব্যানারে এলাকার মানুষকে সাহায্য করতে চান তাহলে অবশ্যই জানাবেন, জেক্সকা আপনাদের পাশে থাকবে। তবে খেয়াল রাখতে হবে যেন কোনো জনসমাগম না হয়, পারতপক্ষে সবাইকে আলাদা আলাদা করে জিনিসপত্র পৌঁছে দিলে ভালো হয়।
আশা করি আমরা জেক্সকাইটরা দেশ ও বিশ্বের এই ক্রান্তিলগ্নে মানুষের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে আমাদের দায়বদ্ধতা থেকে যে যতজনকে পারি সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দিবো।
সকল জেক্সকাইট ভাই ও তাদের পরিবার কে আল্লাহ করোনা থেকে মুক্ত রাখুন এবং বাংলাদেশের উপর সহায় হোন।
JEXCA NA Charitable Fund Policy
This document sets the policy guidelines for JEXCA NA members and the Executive Committee to raise and spend funds for charitable causes.
Members and the Executive Committee
For the purpose of this document:
- A member is a person who is defined as a member of the “Community” in section 4, Article III, of the JEXCA NA Inc. by-laws.
- The Executive Committee, hereinafter referred as the EC, is the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the JEXCA NA Inc. as defined in Article III of the JEXCA NA Inc. by-laws.
All general members and the members of the executive committee will be able to contribute and raise funds for the JEXCA NA charitable causes. In addition, members and EC will be able to propose charitable causes to fund. Selection of causes that will get funding will rest with the EC.
JEXCA NA charitable funds shall be spent on any causes proposed by any member adhering to the bylaws, and approved by the EC. Following unprioritized causes may be given higher priority in proposing and approving for funding.
- JEXCA NA members and their immediate families in need of financial help. Immediate family shall include spouse/partner, children (biological or adopted), parents of the member and his spouse/partner.
- JEXCA members and their families in Bangladesh, in need of financial help. Same definition of family as for JEXCA NA members shall apply.
- Improvements to Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah, Bangladesh; Ex- and current faculty and staff of Jhenidah Cadet College in need of financial help.
- Educational, healthcare, or other socio-economic projects in Bangladesh with the goal to benefit the underprivileged population.
Charitable funds cannot be used for non-charitable personal benefits of members, their families, or individuals directly or indirectly controlled by such private interests.
Fund Management
A separate bank account dedicated for the charitable causes shall be maintained. All charitable transactions – funds received and disbursed – for charitable causes shall be through this bank account.
Funds collected for charitable causes shall not be used for any purpose other than charitable causes.
All members, their families, friends, and acquaintances may make tax deductible contributions to JEXCA NA charitable fund in any amount and as frequently as desired.
Donations can be made to general funds which JEXCA NA EC will have the flexibility to use for any cause JEXCA NA has decided to support. Donations can also be directed to any particular cause JEXCA NA is already supporting with the understanding that if the cause doesn’t need any more funds, the directed donation may be redirected to the general fund.
If a directed donation is to be made for a new cause, the cause must first be approved the EC. Donor(s) should first submit a proposal – in such cases – to the EC for consideration. If approved, the directed donation will be used for the cause. Directed donation cannot be made to support donor’s own, or family benefit.
JEXCA NA members and EC may organize fundraising events to raise funds for the general funds or for any specific cause. Fundraising events can be hosted as part, or independent, of the JEXCA NA reunion.
A targeted foundational fundraising for the general fund, or a specific cause, can be achieved through voluntary contribution of any amount by JEXCA NA members. As the members are likely to be more supportive of a specific cause, JEXCA NA EC should identify with input from the members a cause for the initial fundraising efforts.
Charitable Disbursement
Funds can only be used for charitable causes in North America and Bangladesh. Funds can be disbursed to support causes in Bangladesh only through organizations in Bangladesh that are authorized by the Government of Bangladesh to receive foreign funds.
Even though there would be no limit on how much funds can be spent on a particular cause, JEXCA NA EC will determine the total amount to be disbursed based on factors such as funds available in the charitable fund, other causes JEXCA NA is supporting at the time, and funds to be set aside for emergencies.
JEXCA NA EC will maintain clear and transparent records of all donations received and disbursed for various causes.
Tax Deduction
All donations made to the JEXCA NA charitable fund is tax deductible as per the 501(c)3 guidelines. No amount of donations received for the charitable fund shall be spent to pay for non-charitable expenses. If any of the donation amount is used to pay for the expenses of a fundraiser event, the dollar amount of benefit (food , entertainment, etc.) received by the donor shall be calculated and deducted from the donation for the purpose of tax deduction. If the cost of a fundraiser event is recouped from ticket sale, such ticket price will not be tax deductible.
COVID-19 Fund Raising
You can also send money directly to JEXCA NA Treasurer (bank to bank transfer, Zelle)
Mohammad Iqbal @ 214-796-7851
(email: mohammad.Iqbal757@att.net)
JEXCA NA Charitable Fund Policy
This document sets the policy guidelines for JEXCA NA members and the Executive Committee to raise and spend funds for charitable causes.
Members and the Executive Committee
For the purpose of this document:
- A member is a person who is defined as a member of the “Community” in section 4, Article III, of the JEXCA NA Inc. by-laws.
- The Executive Committee, hereinafter referred as the EC, is the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the JEXCA NA Inc. as defined in Article III of the JEXCA NA Inc. by-laws.
All general members and the members of the executive committee will be able to contribute and raise funds for the JEXCA NA charitable causes. In addition, members and EC will be able to propose charitable causes to fund. Selection of causes that will get funding will rest with the EC.
JEXCA NA charitable funds shall be spent on any causes proposed by any member adhering to the bylaws, and approved by the EC. Following unprioritized causes may be given higher priority in proposing and approving for funding.
- JEXCA NA members and their immediate families in need of financial help. Immediate family shall include spouse/partner, children (biological or adopted), parents of the member and his spouse/partner.
- JEXCA members and their families in Bangladesh, in need of financial help. Same definition of family as for JEXCA NA members shall apply.
- Improvements to Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah, Bangladesh; Ex- and current faculty and staff of Jhenidah Cadet College in need of financial help.
- Educational, healthcare, or other socio-economic projects in Bangladesh with the goal to benefit the underprivileged population.
Charitable funds cannot be used for non-charitable personal benefits of members, their families, or individuals directly or indirectly controlled by such private interests.
Fund Management
A separate bank account dedicated for the charitable causes shall be maintained. All charitable transactions – funds received and disbursed – for charitable causes shall be through this bank account.
Funds collected for charitable causes shall not be used for any purpose other than charitable causes.
All members, their families, friends, and acquaintances may make tax deductible contributions to JEXCA NA charitable fund in any amount and as frequently as desired.
Donations can be made to general funds which JEXCA NA EC will have the flexibility to use for any cause JEXCA NA has decided to support. Donations can also be directed to any particular cause JEXCA NA is already supporting with the understanding that if the cause doesn’t need any more funds, the directed donation may be redirected to the general fund.
If a directed donation is to be made for a new cause, the cause must first be approved the EC. Donor(s) should first submit a proposal – in such cases – to the EC for consideration. If approved, the directed donation will be used for the cause. Directed donation cannot be made to support donor’s own, or family benefit.
JEXCA NA members and EC may organize fundraising events to raise funds for the general funds or for any specific cause. Fundraising events can be hosted as part, or independent, of the JEXCA NA reunion.
A targeted foundational fundraising for the general fund, or a specific cause, can be achieved through voluntary contribution of any amount by JEXCA NA members. As the members are likely to be more supportive of a specific cause, JEXCA NA EC should identify with input from the members a cause for the initial fundraising efforts.
Charitable Disbursement
Funds can only be used for charitable causes in North America and Bangladesh. Funds can be disbursed to support causes in Bangladesh only through organizations in Bangladesh that are authorized by the Government of Bangladesh to receive foreign funds.
Even though there would be no limit on how much funds can be spent on a particular cause, JEXCA NA EC will determine the total amount to be disbursed based on factors such as funds available in the charitable fund, other causes JEXCA NA is supporting at the time, and funds to be set aside for emergencies.
JEXCA NA EC will maintain clear and transparent records of all donations received and disbursed for various causes.
Tax Deduction
All donations made to the JEXCA NA charitable fund is tax deductible as per the 501(c)3 guidelines. No amount of donations received for the charitable fund shall be spent to pay for non-charitable expenses. If any of the donation amount is used to pay for the expenses of a fundraiser event, the dollar amount of benefit (food , entertainment, etc.) received by the donor shall be calculated and deducted from the donation for the purpose of tax deduction. If the cost of a fundraiser event is recouped from ticket sale, such ticket price will not be tax deductible.